Hi, good afternoon, I need to develop a wireless serial port to connect a PC to an Arduino MCU. Does RF-2410U has a standard firmware to just appear as a COM port to the PC and to transmit TX and RX signals to for example an RF2400 V3 connected to the Arduino, where they can be converted to TTL levels? Or do I have to develop it (my concern is with the 8051, I can handle Arduino code). thank you very much,
Dear Adrian, Now we have no COM port code for RF-2410U , we may write example code for it in the future. thanks!
Great seller! all the best !! Good support !! Thanks, Mike
Hi, is there anyone out there that have adopted the AN0004 RF-2410 Based Wireless Sensor Example Application to Linux? Thanks Dieter
Hi We have the APP with Windows only , we also provide source code to the user ,user can be adopted to any other OS. thanks!
Great seller! I have collected your store.
Thanks for your feedback.
Regarding the RF-2400-V03, The pinout in the datasheet is wrong, pins 1 through 6 are reversed!!
Thanks to remind ,we updated the datasheet on few weeks ago , please download new datasheet from our website , thanks!
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