UC-2102 is used for Arduino upload sketch, it is fully compatible with Arduino USB2.0 Serial Light, but more compact, It's can be working with all Arduino main processor. The main IC of UC-2102 is CP-2102, it is from Silicon Labs. So the drivers are interchangeable.
The USB to UART Bridge IC is very mature, its performance is stable and compatibility is good.
Status lights include DTR/Vbus / RXD / TXD activity.
Easy to connect to the Arduino Ethernet / Mini / Mini Pro /LilyPad Simple / Fio , and all BUONO LITE serials.
USB cable directly solder to the PCBA , so it's more stable.
The standard configuration: Add a 2.45mm to 2.0mm connecter.
Pin to Pin compatible with Arduiono USB2.0 Serial Light.
Modify female connector to male, most female header will be poor connection after many times.
File Name | File Size | Release Date | Click |
BUONO-UNO-LITE-R3-DATASHEET | 244.5 KB | 09/05/2013 | 3,875 |
BUONO-USB2SERIAL-DATASHEET | 342.45 KB | 09/05/2013 | 4,248 |
DS-UC-2102-V01 | 271.39 KB | 04/13/2015 | 5,120 |
DOC-UNO-CORE-V01-20151228 | 408.38 KB | 12/29/2015 | 3,166 |
SCH-UM-UNO-V01 UM-UNO Schematic | 60.89 KB | 01/13/2016 | 3,142 |
AN-16001-LC-2000(PA)-P2P Remote Sketch Upload Demo | 484.98 KB | 04/09/2016 | 2,671 |
AN-16002-LC-2000(PA)-P2P Remote Control | 979.91 KB | 04/09/2016 | 1,915 |
AN-16003-Arduino Lite+LC-2000 Remote Contorl | 380.72 KB | 04/09/2016 | 2,718 |
RF UNO CORE Datasheet | 653.48 KB | 04/01/2016 | 3,784 |
AS-6408 Analog Digital Multiplexer Datasheet | 1000.68 KB | 04/07/2016 | 2,929 |
AS-6408 Analog Digital Multiplexer Demo Code | 708.97 KB | 04/07/2016 | 2,452 |
DS-MD-328D-V01-20160412 MD-328D MCU Datasheet | 599.83 KB | 04/12/2016 | 5,156 |
UM-MASSDUINO-V3.0-EN MassDuino User Maunal | 764.82 KB | 04/12/2016 | 6,229 |
(MassDuino) CH341 USB to Serial Driver | 1.49 MB | 11/21/2015 | 4,801 |
AN-16009_2.54mm to 2.0mm Convertor for USB to UART Cable | 235.85 KB | 07/20/2016 | 5,102 |
DOC-MASSDUINO-UNO-CORE-V01-20160416 | 409.6 KB | 04/16/2016 | 3,533 |
DOC-UNO-LC-V03-20160415 Massduino_BUONO UNO LC Datasheet | 408.05 KB | 11/21/2015 | 3,358 |
AN-16003-Massduino-introduction | 714.84 KB | 04/18/2016 | 3,681 |
AN-16004-Massduino-UNO-CORE | 800.43 KB | 04/18/2016 | 3,292 |
INHAOS COMMPORT LOOPBACK TEST V1.1 | 27.54 KB | 06/29/2011 | 4,688 |
AN_16005_Arduino Development Board Selection Guide | 513.77 KB | 05/10/2016 | 6,754 |
DOC-UC-340G-V01-20160507 UC-340G Datasheet | 218.84 KB | 05/10/2016 | 2,695 |
AN_16007_AC-5000 AC to DC Power Supply Burn-in Test System | 1.02 MB | 05/12/2016 | 2,688 |
DOC-MASSDUINO-NANO-V01-20160602 | 220.99 KB | 06/02/2016 | 3,268 |
DOC-DUE-CORE-V04-20211019 DUE CORE Datasheet | 700.51 KB | 06/11/2016 | 5,234 |
ARDUINO-AN-140001-RFID-RC522 | 10.96 MB | 08/22/2016 | 4,107 |
DOC-RF-1531-V01-20160711 RF-1531 315M 433M ASK Transmitter and Receiver Datasheet | 507.14 KB | 07/20/2016 | 2,480 |
DOC-UC-3100P-V20-20180425 | 387.93 KB | 01/07/2016 | 3,484 |
UM-MASSDUINO-V4.6r2-EN | 1.23 MB | 08/23/2018 | 4,023 |
MASTER-485 12 to 48V bus powered UART to RS-485 Convertor Datasheet | 397.78 KB | 08/29/2020 | 1,065 |
MD-NANO485 RS-485 Bus-upgradable NANO enhanced module | 937.42 KB | 10/03/2020 | 11,942 |
Arduino - Massduino_Support_Package_V51 | 3.93 MB | 04/12/2016 | 9,561 |
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